
Please click here to register.

Registration will close on April 30th at 8:00 PM EDT (earlier if event is sold out). There is no registration on Race Day.

Save Time and Money! NEW, Expanded SMB option: All participants with a Canadian or US Mailing address can choose to have their kit mailed to them for an additional fee if registered by April 1st.  This will save time and money associated with travel/parking at Exhibition Place. This is only available when registering. The expanded SMB option allows for all registrants regardless of country of residence, to have your kit mailed to an address in Canada or the USA.  If you do not choose this option, or register after April 1st, you will have to attend in person at kit pick-up on Friday or Saturday prior to race day.

Note: that if you choose the  Ship My Bib (SMB) option, changes after April 1st can only be made at kit pick-up.

If you want your name printed on the front of your bib, you must register by April 21st.

If you are mentally or physically disabled (vision or hearing impaired, wheelchair) please contact Brian at the Achilles Track Club of Canada to assist in registering:

Time Limit (Cut-off)

Participants in the Marathon must reach the 27.5Km (Ontario St)  water station by 11:20 AM, or face removal from the course. The course will close at 6 hours (1:30 PM).

Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group Rankings

The Toronto Marathon is proud to be a qualifying race for the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Rankings.

How it works:

The AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings comprise over 350 qualifying races in which athletes in nine separate age groups can compete in marathons across the world to earn a global ranking.

Athletes will be ranked according to their single fastest time in a qualifying event.

Athletes achieving the Automatic Qualifying Time for their age group will receive an invitation for the next  AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships.

Runners who do not achieve the Automatic Qualifying Time have the opportunity to receive an invitation to the World Championship depending on the full field size and the number of athletes achieving the qualifying time.

Runners must be registered to receive an invitation at

2023 Qualifying times


Age Group Male Female
40-44 02:35 03:05
45-49 02:42 03:11
50-54 02:48 03:21
55-59 02:57 03:30
60-64 03:10 03:48
65-69 03:26 04:06
70-74 03:40 04:35
75-79 04:06 05:05
80+ 04:40 05:25



Health and Safety Protocols

Our priority is to protect the health and safety of our participants, volunteers, staff, and the general public. We will continue to consult and take direction from Toronto Public Health, Provincial Health authorities, and follow the guidelines and requirements set out to ensure safety for everyone.

The guidelines to safely manage large mass-participatory events in Toronto remain fluid, and are subject to change. Please be sure to check your emails prior to the event for updates, as well as to follow us on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and to check our website regularly.